Diacom P
(Alpha Amylase, papain)
Dosage : As prescribed by Physician.
Gaseous Distension
Gripping Pain
(Indigestion, Dyspepsia & Flatulence)
Dosage : As prescribed by Physician.
Helps in digestion of carbohydrate & starch in the
diet into simplest polysaccharides & sugar.
Diacom-P Drops
(Alpha Amylase, papain)
Dosage : As prescribed by Physician.
1. Indigestion
2. Gaseous Distension
3. Gripping Pain
(Fungal Diastase , Lactic Acid Bacillus)
Dosage : As prescribed by Physician.
1. Indigestion
2. Constipation
3. Dispepsia
4. Diarrhoea
5. Irregular bowel movements